Using let Variables

ECMAScript 6 introduces a new keyword to declare variables: let. Unlike variables declared with var that are function-scoped, variables declared with let are block-scoped: they only exist in the block they are defined in.

In this unit, you modify the application to use let variables.


  1. In your code editor, open js/main.js and examine the calculateMonthlyPayment function:

    var calculateMonthlyPayment = function(principal, years, rate) {
        if (rate) {
            var monthlyRate = rate / 100 / 12;
        var monthlyPayment = principal * monthlyRate / 
                             (1 - (Math.pow(1/(1 + monthlyRate), years * 12)));
        return monthlyPayment;

    Notice that on line 5, the monthlyRate variable is available even though it was declared within the if block. This is because variables declared with var are function-scoped, and not block-scoped. This way of declaring and using variables is definitely not a best practice: it is used here to illustrate the difference between function-scoped and block-scoped variables.

  2. Replace all the occurrences of var with let. Don’t change anything else yet.

  3. On the command line, type the following command to run the babel script and compile main.js to ECMAScript 5:

    npm run babel
  4. Open a browser, access http://localhost:8080, and click the Calculate button: it doesn’t work. Open the developer console. You should see a message similar to this:

    This is because unlike var variables which are function-scoped, let variables are block-scoped: they only exist in the block they are defined in.

  5. In main.js, modify the calculateMonthlyPayment function as follows:

    let calculateMonthlyPayment = function(principal, years, rate) {
        let monthlyRate = 0;
        if (rate) {
            monthlyRate = rate / 100 / 12;
        let monthlyPayment = principal * monthlyRate / 
                             (1 - (Math.pow(1/(1 + monthlyRate), years * 12)));
        return monthlyPayment;
  6. On the command line, type the following command to rebuild the application:

    npm run babel
  7. Open a browser, access http://localhost:8080, and click the Calculate button: you should now see the monthly payment.

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