Module 4: Using the Salesforce1 Platform APIs

In this module, you create an application that runs outside your Salesforce instance: it uses OAuth to authenticate with Salesforce, and the REST APIs to access Salesforce data.


You need Node.js to perform the exercises in this module. If you don't already have Node.js installed on your system, you can install it here.

Windows Users: If you are experiencing problems after installing Node.js on Windows:

  1. Add c:\Program Files\Nodejs to your path or Run "C:\Program Files\Nodejs\npm" install
  2. Create an "npm" directory in C:\Users[yourname]\Appdata\Roaming

If you can't or don't want to install Node.js on your system, follow these instructions to deploy the app on Heroku instead.

Step 1: Create a Connected App

  1. In Setup, click Build > Create > Apps

  2. In the Connected Apps section, click New, and define the Connected App as follows:

    • Connected App Name: MyConference
    • API Name: MyConference
    • Contact Email: enter your email address
    • Enabled OAuth Settings: Checked
    • Callback URL: http://localhost:3000/oauthcallback.html
    • Selected OAuth Scopes: Full Access (full)

  3. Click Save.

Step 2: Install the Supporting Files

  1. Download and unzip this file, or clone this repository

  2. Using your favorite code editor, examine the code in client/index.html:

    • It doesn't have any HTML markup inside the body tag. The HTML is built dynamically in JavaScript in the app.js file.
    • It uses ratchet.css. Ratchet is a simple CSS toolkit that provides styles for mobile applications.
    • It uses ForceJS to integrate with Salesforce.
  3. Using your favorite code editor, examine the code in client/js/app.js:

    • It includes the basic logic to manage a single page application and generate HTML pages on the fly.
    • The getSessionList() function is responsible for retrieving the list of sessions from your Salesforce instance. You will implement this function in this module.
    • The getSessionDetails() function is responsible for retrieving the details of a specific session from your Salesforce instance. You will implement this function in this module.
    • The showSessionList() function is responsible for generating the HTML for the session list page
    • The showSessionDetails() function is responsible for generating the HTML for the session details page
    • The router object is responsible for detecting hashtag changes in the URL and loading the corresponding page
  4. Using your favorite code editor, examine the code in client/oauthcallback.html:

    At the end of the OAuth workflow, the Salesforce authentication process loads the redirect URI you specified in your Connected App (in this case: http://localhost:3000/oauthcallback.html) and passes the access token and other OAuth values (server instance, refresh token, etc.) in the query string. oauthcallback.html simply passes that information to the ForceJS library which uses it to make REST API calls to your Salesforce instance.

  5. Using your favorite code editor, examine the code in server.js. server.js implements a small HTTP server that provides two features:

    • Web server for static content. The document root for the web server is the client directory.
    • Proxy for Salesforce REST requests. Because of the browser’s cross-origin restrictions, your JavaScript application hosted on your own server (or localhost) will not be able to make API calls directly to the * domain. The solution is to proxy your API calls through your own server.

Step 3: Start the Node.js server

  1. Open Terminal (Mac) or a Command prompt (Windows)

  2. Navigate (cd) to the salesforce-developer-advanced (or salesforce-developer-advanced-master) directory

  3. Install the Node.js server dependencies:

    npm install

    If you are on Windows and run into issues with npm after installing Node.js, try this:

    • Add c:\Program Files\Nodejs to your path or run "C:\Program Files\Nodejs\npm" install instead of npm install
    • Create an npm directory in C:\Users[yourname]\Appdata\Roaming
  4. Start the server:

    node server

Step 4: Implement Salesforce Authentication using OAuth

  1. Using your favorite code editor, open index.html in salesforce-developer-advanced/client

  2. In the last script block (right after the Initialize forcejs here comment), initialize the ForceJS library and initiate the login process:

        appId: 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
        proxyURL: 'http://localhost:3000'
    force.login(router.start, function (error) {
        alert('Login failed: ' + error);
  3. In Setup (back in Salesforce), click Build > Create > Apps. In the Connected Apps section, click MyConference, and copy the Consumer Key to your clipboard.

  4. In index.html, replace YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY with the consumer key you copied to your clipboard

  5. Test the application

    • Open a browser and access http://localhost:3000
    • Login with your Developer Edition credentials. After you successfully authenticate with Salesforce, you will see a blank screen. In the next step you make REST API calls to display the list of sessions.

It may take a few minutes for a Connected App to be available after you create it. If you get this message: error=invalidclientid&error_description=client%20identifier%20invalid, wait a few minutes and try again.

Step 5: Using the REST APIs

  1. In client/js/app.js, implement the getSessionList() function as follows:

    function getSessionList(success, error) {
        var soql = "SELECT Session__r.Id, Session__r.Name FROM Session_Speaker__c";
        force.query(soql, success, error);
  2. Implement the getSessionDetails() function as follows:

    function getSessionDetails(sessionId, success, error) {
        var soql = "SELECT Session__r.Name, " +
            "Session__r.Session_Date__c, " +
            "Speaker__r.First_Name__c, " +
            "Speaker__r.Last_Name__c " +
            "FROM Session_Speaker__c " +
            "WHERE Session__r.Id = '" + sessionId + "'";
        force.query(soql, success, error);
  3. Test the application

    • Open a browser and access http://localhost:3000
    • Login with your Developer Edition credentials
    • You should now see the list of sessions
    • Click a session to see the details

This is just the starting point for building a custom application written in JavaScript, authenticating with Salesforce using OAuth, and accessing Salesforce data using the REST APIs. If you are planning on building a real-life application based on this architecture, consider using a JavaScript framework such as Backbone.js or AngularJS with Ionic.

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