Module 6: Using Canvas Applications

In this module, you deploy a Node.js application to Heroku using the Heroku button. You define a Canvas application to integrate the Node.js application in Salesforce, and you add the Canvas application to the Contact Page Layout.

Step 1: Create a Connected App

  1. In Setup, click Build > Create > Apps

  2. In the Connected Apps section, click New, and define the Connected App as follows:

    • Connected App Name: MyCanvas
    • API Name: MyCanvas
    • Contact Email: enter your email address
    • Enabled OAuth Settings: Checked
    • Callback URL: http://localhost (you will change this later)
    • Selected OAuth Scopes: Full Access (full)
    • Canvas: Checked
    • Canvas App URL: http://localhost/signedrequest (you will change this later)
    • Access Method: Signed Request (POST)
    • Locations: Layouts and Mobile Cards, Publisher
  3. Click Save

  4. On the Connected App details page, click the Click to reveal link next to Consumer Secret, and copy your secret to your clipboard. You will need it in step 4.

Step 2: Configure Permissions

  1. On the Connected App details page, click the Manage button

  2. Click Edit

  3. For Permitted Users, select Admin approved users are pre-authorized

  4. Click Save

  5. Click Manage Profiles

  6. Check System Administrator

  7. Click Save

Step 3: Sign Up for Heroku

You can skip this step if you already have a Heroku account.

  1. Open a browser and access the following URL:

  2. Enter an email address you have access to at this time (you will need to open an activation email) and click Signup

  3. Check your email. You will receive an activation email for your Heroku account.

  4. Click the link in the activation email. Enter your new password information, and click Save.

Step 4: Deploy the App to Heroku

  1. Access the following GitHub repository:

  2. Click the server.js file and examine the code:

    The server defines a /signedrequest endpoint configured to respond to POST requests. This is the endpoint you specified in the Canvas parameters of your Connected App. When loading your Canvas app, your Salesforce instance will post encoded data to that endpoint including contextual information (logged in user, current object, ...), and an authenticated session id that your app can use to make API calls to your Salesforce instance.

  3. Go back to the repository home page and click the Deploy to Heroku button

    • For App Name, specify a name for your application. For example, if you specify my-canvas, your application will be available at Your app name has to be unique on the domain.
    • For CONSUMER_SECRET in the deployment wizard, paste the consumer secret of the connected app you copied in step 1.
    • Click the Deploy For Free button
  4. In Salesforce, go back to your Connected App and adjust the URLs based on your Heroku app name:

    • For Callback URL, specify:
    • For Canvas App URL, specify:

    Replace my-canvas with your own app name.

Step 5: Add the Canvas App to the Page Layout

  1. In Setup mode, select Build > Customize > Contacts > Page Layouts

  2. Click Edit next to Contact Layout

  3. Select Canvas Apps in the upper left corner, drag MyCanvas, and drop it immediately after the Description field.

  4. Mouse over the Canvas in the layout, click the wrench in the upper right corner, specify 550 for the Canvas Height, and click OK.

  5. Click Save (upper left corner) to save the layout

Step 6: Test the Application

  1. Access a Contact

  2. The Canvas application should appear in the middle of the page layout

  3. Scan the QR code with your mobile phone to create a new contact entry

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