Module 5: Creating Triggers

In this module, you create a trigger that sends confirmation emails to speakers when they are assigned to a session. You create another trigger that rejects double bookings of speakers.

Step 1: Create a Trigger that Sends Confirmation Emails

In this step, you create a trigger that sends confirmation emails to speakers when they are assigned to a session.

  1. In the Developer Console, click File > New > Apex Trigger

  2. Specify SendConfirmationEmail as the trigger name, Session_Speaker__c as the sObject, and click Submit

  3. Implement the trigger as follows:

    trigger SendConfirmationEmail on Session_Speaker__c (after insert) {
        for(Session_Speaker__c newItem : {
            // Retrieve session name and time + speaker name and email address
            Session_Speaker__c sessionSpeaker =
                [SELECT Session__r.Name,
                 FROM Session_Speaker__c WHERE Id=:newItem.Id];
            // Send confirmation email if we know the speaker's email address
            if (sessionSpeaker.Speaker__r.Email__c != null) {
                String address = sessionSpeaker.Speaker__r.Email__c;
                String subject = 'Speaker Confirmation';
                String message = 'Dear ' + sessionSpeaker.Speaker__r.First_Name__c +
                    ',\nYour session "' + sessionSpeaker.Session__r.Name + '" on ' +
                    sessionSpeaker.Session__r.Session_Date__c + ' is confirmed.\n\n' +
                    'Thanks for speaking at the conference!';
                EmailManager.sendMail(address, subject, message);

    In a real-life application, hardcoding the email message is not a recommended approach. Consider using email templates instead.

  4. Save the file. The trigger takes effect as soon as you save it.

  5. Test the trigger

    • Create a speaker that has your own email address
    • Assign that speaker to a session, and check your email: you should receive a speaker confirmation email

Sending a confirmation email when a speaker is assigned to a session (in other words, when a Session_Speaker__c record is created) can be accomplished without writing code by defining a workflow rule. The programmatic approach used in this workshop allows you to satisfy additional requirements. For example, sending a confirmation email "on demand", independently of a record being created or updated.

Step 2 (Optional): Create a Trigger that Rejects Double Bookings

  1. In the Developer Console, click File > New > Apex Trigger

  2. Specify RejectDoubleBooking as the trigger name, Session_Speaker__c as the sObject, and click Submit

  3. Implement the trigger as follows:

    trigger RejectDoubleBooking on Session_Speaker__c (before insert, before update) {
        for(Session_Speaker__c sessionSpeaker : {
            // Retrieve session information including session date and time
            Session__c session = [SELECT Id, Session_Date__c FROM Session__c
                                    WHERE Id=:sessionSpeaker.Session__c];
            // Retrieve conflicts: other assignments for that speaker at the same time
            List<Session_Speaker__c> conflicts =
                [SELECT Id FROM Session_Speaker__c
                    WHERE Speaker__c = :sessionSpeaker.Speaker__c
                    AND Session__r.Session_Date__c = :session.Session_Date__c];
            // If conflicts exist, add an error (reject the database operation)
                sessionSpeaker.addError('The speaker is already booked at that time');
  4. Save the file

  5. Test the trigger:

    • Assign a speaker to a session scheduled at a time the speaker is available and make sure it still works
    • Assign a speaker to a session scheduled at the same time as another session the speaker is already assigned to: you should see the error message

RejectDoubleBooking is not sufficient to entirely prevent the double booking of speakers. For example, the user could change the date and time of a session after the facts in a way that creates a double booking for a speaker assigned to that session. You could create an additional trigger to take care of that situation.

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