Using ECMAScript 6 Features

Step 1: Use New ECMAScript 6 Features

  1. Open js/app.js in your favorite code editor

  2. Replace all var definitions with let

  3. Replace all React.createClass() definitions with the new ECMAScript 6 class syntax. For example:

    class Header extends React.Component {
  4. Modify all class functions to use the ECMAScript 6 syntax for class function definitions. Use the render() function below as an example:

    class Header extends React.Component {
        render() {
            return (
  5. In MortgageCalculator, replace getInitialState() with a constructor implemented as follows:

    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            principal: this.props.principal,
            years: this.props.years,
            rate: this.props.rate
  6. In the render() function of the MortgageCalculator class, bind the call to the change event handlers as follows:

     <input type="text" value={this.state.principal} 
  7. Replace all remaining function() definitions with arrow functions

  8. Use Object Destructuring syntax when appropriate

Step 2: Build and Run

  1. Build the app:

     npm run webpack
  2. Open index.html in your browser and test the application


The final code for this step is available in this branch.

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