Using Classes

ECMAScript 6 introduces the concept of class available in traditional object-oriented languages. In ECMAScript 6, the class syntax is syntactical sugar on top of the existing prototype-based inheritance model. It does not add a new object-oriented inheritance model to JavaScript.

In this unit, you create an alternative implementation of the mortgage calculator application using a Mortgage class.

Part 1: Using a Class

  1. Since this is an alternative implementation rather than the logical continuation of the previous implementation, make a copy of index.html and main.js in case you want to go back to that version.

  2. In main.js, remove the import statement at the top of the file.

  3. Add the following class definition at the top of file:

    class Mortgage {
        constructor(principal, years, rate) {
            this.principal = principal;
            this.years = years;
            this.rate = rate;
        get monthlyPayment() {
            let monthlyRate = this.rate / 100 / 12;
            return this.principal * monthlyRate / (1 - (Math.pow(1/(1 + monthlyRate),
                        this.years * 12)));
        get amortization() {
            let monthlyPayment = this.monthlyPayment;
            let monthlyRate = this.rate / 100 / 12;
            let balance = this.principal;
            let amortization = [];
            for (let y=0; y<this.years; y++) {
                let interestY = 0;
                let principalY = 0;
                for (let m=0; m<12; m++) {
                    let interestM = balance * monthlyRate;
                    let principalM = monthlyPayment - interestM;
                    interestY = interestY + interestM;
                    principalY = principalY + principalM;
                    balance = balance - principalM;
                amortization.push({principalY, interestY, balance});
            return amortization;
  4. Modify the calcBtn click event handler as follows:

    document.getElementById('calcBtn').addEventListener('click', () => {
        let principal = document.getElementById("principal").value;
        let years = document.getElementById("years").value;
        let rate = document.getElementById("rate").value;
        let mortgage = new Mortgage(principal, years, rate);
        document.getElementById("monthlyPayment").innerHTML = mortgage.monthlyPayment.toFixed(2);
        document.getElementById("monthlyRate").innerHTML = (rate / 12).toFixed(2);
        let html = "";
        mortgage.amortization.forEach((year, index) => html += `
                <td>${index + 1}</td>
                <td class="currency">${Math.round(year.principalY)}</td>
                <td class="stretch">
                    <div class="flex">
                        <div class="bar principal"
                        <div class="bar interest"
                <td class="currency left">${Math.round(year.interestY)}</td>
                <td class="currency">${Math.round(year.balance)}</td>
        document.getElementById("amortization").innerHTML = html;
  5. On the command line, type the following command to rebuild the application:

    npm run webpack
  6. Open a browser, access http://localhost:8080, and click the Calculate button.

Part 2: Using Classes in Modules

To create the module:

  1. Create a new file named mortgage2.js in the js directory.

  2. Copy the Mortgage class definition from main.js into mortgage2.js.

  3. Add the export default keywords in front of the class definition. mortgage2.js should now look like this:

    export default class Mortgage {
        constructor(principal, years, rate) {
            this.principal = principal;
            this.years = years;
            this.rate = rate;
        get monthlyPayment() {
            let monthlyRate = this.rate / 100 / 12;
            return this.principal * monthlyRate / (1 - (Math.pow(1/(1 + monthlyRate),
                    this.years * 12)));
        get amortization() {
            let monthlyPayment = this.monthlyPayment;
            let monthlyRate = this.rate / 100 / 12;
            let balance = this.principal;
            let amortization = [];
            for (let y=0; y<this.years; y++) {
                let interestY = 0;
                let principalY = 0;
                for (let m=0; m<12; m++) {
                    let interestM = balance * monthlyRate;
                    let principalM = monthlyPayment - interestM;
                    interestY = interestY + interestM;
                    principalY = principalY + principalM;
                    balance = balance - principalM;
                amortization.push({principalY, interestY, balance});
            return amortization;

To use the module:

  1. In main.js, remove the Mortgage class definition.

  2. Import the mortgage module. Add the following import statement as the first line in main.js:

    import Mortgage from './mortgage2';

To build the project:

  1. On the command line, type the following command to rebuild the application:

    npm run webpack
  2. Open a browser, access http://localhost:8080, and click the Calculate button.

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