In this tutorial, you will learn strategies and best practices to build native-like mobile applications with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. You will build an Apache Cordova (aka PhoneGap) Employee Directory application from scratch using the Single Page Architecture, HTML templates, touch events, and performance optimization techniques.
How to create and build (compile and package) a Cordova project using the CLI (Command Line Interface).
How to use different data storage strategies.
How to use several Cordova APIs such as Geolocation, Contacts, and Camera.
How to handle specific mobile challenges such as touch events, scrolling, styling, page transitions, etc.
How to build an application using a single-page architecture and HTML templates.
To complete this workshop, all you need is a code editor, a modern browser, and a connection to the Internet.
A working knowledge of HTML and JavaScript is assumed, but you don't need to be a JavaScript guru.
A mobile device or a Mobile SDK is not a requirement for this tutorial. However, if you want to run and test the application on a mobile device or on an emulator for a mobile platform supported by Cordova, you need the Mobile SDK for that platform (iOS SDK, Android SDK, etc.) installed on your system. If you don't want to install a Mobile SDK, you'll be able to test your application in a browser on your computer.
Please create an issue here if you run into any problem or if you have a suggestion to improve this workshop.
You can also use the Comments section at the bottom of each module to ask a question or report a problem.
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